Data Courses

Elevate your data skills with an industry expert

I currently offer a few different online courses for data enthusiasts. I have taught more than 100 students so far.

Data Storytelling

Successful products are built on good decisions. Effective decision-making requires the right ingredients of data, visualization, and a compelling narrative. This course introduces each of those components and highlights the nuances of using them to get the right outcomes for business success. You will learn to drive change through an organization with impactful data storytelling.

You'll learn how to:
  • Pick meaningful data problems
  • Create Compelling Visuals
  • Craft Effective Narratives
Course Format: Hands-on learning through live lectures, projects, and written materials with a community of learners
Course Duration: 2 weeks
Special Discount: Use code SHAILVIW10 to get 10% off your registration

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Data Quality

Uncover the secrets to harnessing quality data for amplifying business success. This course equips you with invaluable strategies and proven frameworks to navigate the data lifecycle confidently. Learn to spot and eradicate low-quality data, fortify decision-making, and build trust with data. With streamlined prevention strategies and hands-on diagnostics, optimize efficiency and elevate your company's data-driven initiatives. By the end of the course, you will have built a strategy for better data governance in your company, coupled with coding best practices that will help you execute that strategy. You will also have explored case studies that showcase real-world learnings.

You'll learn how to:
  • Prevent Problems in the Data Lifecycle
  • Diagnose and Cure Data Quality Issues
Course Format: Hands-on learning through live lectures, projects, and written materials with a community of learners
Course Duration: 2 weeks

Sign Me Up for Data Quality

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